
Showing posts from November, 2018

Blended Learning: Making Education Accessible for all

Blended Learning is the future of education. Specially, if we wish accessible education for all. For a long time we have been talking about putting the child in the center of the all learning. Child-led learning, interest based learning, active learning; basically giving the control of the learning back to the learner. Studies have shown that children do not like to go to school (they do have some aspects that they like, like their friends and sometimes if in luck a teacher who steps out of the crowd and sparks the curiosity of the learners through innovative teaching methods and sometimes an aha moment in form of a unique idea that they get to hear about at the school premises, yet rare and mostly out of sheer luck. The rest of the routine day is a drag.). The primary reason for not liking school is lack of freedom. In a typical school, the child will be expected to queue up when going anywhere, sit through blocks of 50 minute classes that they did not plan, maybe aren't ...